Horse Wisdom: Is Your Heart in It?

The average human heart weighs 14 ounces and has a whopping
5000 times the electromagnetic force of our brain. A  horses’ heart weighs on average 10 pounds—imagine the electromagnetic force of a horse’s heart! Science has proven that horse’s hearts impact our hearts. Time with horses increases optimal heart function in humans. 

Horses detect and react to our heart’s message from a
distance-far before we touch them. From the minute we arrive on the premises we are sending a message and setting a tone that will permeate our interactions. Their response to us is visible evidence of “how we are showing up” in life.

Eckhart Tolle states that how we feel toward our present moment is how we feel toward life. Our friendliness towards our present moment affects both our happiness and our effectiveness.  How do you feel toward the present moment, and how is it affecting your leadership?

For irrefutable visual evidence, ask a horse!     
