Horse Wisdom: Authenticity and Thanksgiving

Horse Wisdom: Authenticity and Thanksgiving

Horse Wisdom: Authenticity and Thanksgiving

Horses with rare talent in the circumstances to make money for their owners are coddled, cared for, and sometimes abused to achieve results. Their value as a horse, their personality, and any idiosyncrasies are handled simply to optimizes performance. When their usefulness is over, unless their owner gives them the dignity of a good retirement, they are often sold or put down.  

I have worked with people who were incredibly talented in a rare skill. They sometimes had big egos, and often had both professional and personal relationships built on what they could give to people that otherwise would not be in their lives.  In effect, they were used, indulged, and had friends based on what they could do rather than who they were. While politics and give and take are a way of life, and lines got blurred at times, I was often guarded. I would ask myself who in my life would be there and how they would treat me if and when I wasn’t of value to them. It has been interesting to see relationships run their course in this context. 

This Thanksgiving I am grateful for my friends and colleagues that show up and are kind to me because they appreciate who I am vs. what I can do for them. 

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