Horse Wisdom: Whole Leadership

Horses have perfected a way to navigate their relationships with head (clarity), heart (connection), and core (courage) all at the same time, and it has worked for them for thousands of years. We can learn a lot from them about how to optimize, align, and balance our three brains.    

I have always been a “fire, aim, ready” person. My mode of operation was to charge ahead and figure it out as I went along. This approach failed miserably with my horse Echo. My heart’s desire for shared companionship with Echo finally forced me to slow down and pay attention to the nuances of emotion, intuition, and body language that Echo was so patiently trying to teach me. As I learned, my results in work and life improved exponentially. 

I bring plenty of clarity and courage to the world. My horse has taught me the wisdom, gentleness, and patience to listen to and connect with my heart.

How do you balance clarity, connection, and courage, and how does it affect your leadership?  

#leadership #coaching #leadershipdevelopment #selfawareness #emotionalintelligence #executivecoaching
