Horse Wisdom: Empowerment with Safety

 When Echo and I are out on the trail, I learned early on that he could often navigate better if I let him choose the “how”.  As long as Echo knew the direction, I empower him to select how to navigate the rocks, mud, water, or trees most efficiently.  At these times it is my job to provide the resources and enablement such as plenty of rein and lack of conflicting messages.  If we came across something Echo was afraid of, such as fast running water, a pheasant jumping in front of us, or another group of horses coming from behind, Echo needed to know I would take leadership and provide immediate protection and direction. It was his perspective I needed to have clarity about and respond to. I needed to have the alacrity, responsiveness and knowledge of my partner to respond to his needs and fears immediately or he would bolt and we would be in the next county before I could regain control.

For people to take empowerment they need to know we will “have their backs” if they need help or direction. Do you support empowerment by providing the safety of strong leadership with your team? 

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